John O'Hern
"My gut hurts and I've got to change my shorts. A must read for my fellow golf junkies!"
-Ted Purdy, PGA
"If you’re crazy about golf, then you have to put Sweetspot, Confessions of a Golfaholic by John O’Hern at the top of your must read list!”
-New England Golf Monthly
During a decade in New York City as an actor which included off-Broadway roles, television commercials and print ads, John married his corporately employed wife and soon became the stay-at-home-father of Max, their first born.
Almost simultaneously John the writer was born. His initial foray into writing was
A Rooster in the Henhouse, an acerbic memoir based on his wife’s pregnancy experience seen through a man’s eyes. It was this attempt at memoir that evolved into his highly praised one-man off-Broadway show of the same name.
After shifting his addiction from drinking to golfing, John’s next writing project was his two person play, Sweetspot Confessions of a Golfaholic, which was performed before packed houses of enthusiastic golfers in Connecticut. Sweetspot Confessions of a Golfaholic, the novel, is the off-spring of that play.
John is currently writing a memoir, tentatively titled Not the Kennedys, about growing up in the chaos of a household with eight children in contrast to his personal parenting experiences with two children of his own.
When not writing, teaching The Art of Storytelling, or sneaking out for a quick nine holes, John is a regular on the local storytelling circuit, using his natural comedic gifts to entertain. He co-founded Know Your Story to support rising storytellers learn the craft of creating and telling a compelling personal story or convey a business vision.
Author’s note: I discovered the secret to the golf swing this past winter and promptly lost it as soon as the course opened. It came back to me in full the day I finished this book.
Coincidence?…I think not.
Share your thoughts with the author: john@johnohern.com